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Writer's pictureVince Piraino

Dylan & Sara, Member Spotlight

Dylan Loughnan & Sara Maher Loughnan are both 5:30 PM Training Class SUPERSTARS! If you’ve ever rolled through this class, you’ve certainly seen their smiling faces. They joined Graviton in April 2019, while living in the Arlington area. Dylan and Sara met playing pool at an Irish Pub in Central Square. Sara was the only girl brave enough to play pool against all the boys… and let it be known that she did BEAT Dylan. Talk about good first impressions…! Prior to Graviton, they did a lot of TRX work and even went to a kettlebell-only gym, working with a StrongFirst instructor. They had tried out all kinds of fitness before making their way to Graviton.

At first, they were hesitant about the intense “culture” reputation of most functional fitness gyms, but were pleasantly surprised with Graviton. Dylan and Sara are just two of the many Graviton members who create a warm, welcoming and supportive environment. A “culture fit” is super important when finding a gym, and amazing members like Dylan and Sara make Graviton a place you want to come back to every day. Sara and Dylan do about 99.9% of their workouts together at Graviton. Dylan said that “Sara is his best cheerleader”. There are some workouts that he “would not have finished if it weren’t for Sara there to cheer me on”.

Dylan & Sara are both in the top 5 all-time class check-ins at Graviton with over 300+ training sessions!

Sara’s favorite movement is the dumbbell snatch (she can now grab the 35lb dumbbell and show off her awesome skills)! For a long-time she had not been the greatest of friends with the Airbike… but, she now says that it’s growing on her. (It may or may not be nicknamed the “Devil’s Tricycle”... Why? Because biking on that thing is not as easy as it looks).

Dylan loves doing anything with a barbell, but, really loves snatches. Dylan and Sara have set lots of goals for themselves; Dylan is working on stringing together gymnastic-type movements, and Sara is working on her pull-ups. With constantly varied exercise movements, there is always something to work towards at Graviton, which makes coming into the gym more and more exciting each day.

Dylan and Sara’s advice to anyone new to Graviton is to “keep coming back because it’s all about consistency”. They touched on something that’s important: “You don’t need to know how to “do” anything before starting here, our workouts are infinitely scalable!” Often times people feel like they have to “get fitter” or “learn movements” before coming into the gym. Sara and Dylan remind us that we welcome people of ALL levels and backgrounds. You can learn so much from the members around you, and Graviton-veterans are always eager to lend a helping hand or answer a question you might have. Sara mentioned that “progress takes time, and if you put in the time, you will get great results”. They reiterated that everyone in the gym is in the process of improving and training. We may all be starting at different places, but, we are all on the same journey; learning, failing, growing and improving.

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